Owners of costs and GHG-intensive operations collectively can make the greatest improvements in the world, regional economy, and their business by prioritizing sustainability investments.
With LODON, you'll realize the greatest cost savings on the spot with exponential returns on investment, indefinitely for critical decades ahead.
Operators and service providers responsible for operations performance can improve the efficiency & resiliency of their systems, buildings and the organization that supports them by prioritizing sustainability solutions.
With LODON you'll have visibility of the most critical information about processes, systems and equipment, and vendors so you can prioritize the simplest and least expensive adjustments to garner support for continuous improvements like retrofits, replacements or additions.
Service & product providers along with utility or regulatory programs can provide unlimited insights and resources for executing best practices and proven or emerging technologies for sustainability improvements.
With LODON they'll get the most comprehensive details about existing equipment & conditions along with dynamic guidance & support that accelerates project development with funding for projects that conserve natural resources, operating costs and GHG emissions for the markets served.
Annual cost energy saved
Lbs. Coâ‚‚ Saved
Annual Kwh Saved
Buildings Benchmarked
Total Sq.ft. Retrofitted
Utility Incentives Received